
Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions Business | Terms and Conditions Consumer | Our Cookies

This website complies with the EU Cookie Directive.
This website only uses cookies essential to the smooth operation of this website and for gathering visitor user statistics via Google Analytics. We DO NOT use ANY third-party advertising cookies.

What are Cookies?
A cookie is a small piece of data which allows communication between a website and a website visitors web browser. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to notify the website of the user’s previous activity.

What Cookies are Stored on This Website?

Name Cookie Purpose Expiry
First Paty Cookies – Generated by this website
last_visit Date of the user’s last visit. Can be shown as a statistic for members and used by the forum to show unread topics for both members and guests.

2 yrs

last_activity Records the time of the last page load. Used in conjunction with the last_visit cookie

2 yrs

This is purely a convenience, so that the visitor won’t need to re-type all their information again when they want to leave another comment. Three cookies are set for commenters

When user exists browser

This is purely a convenience, so that the visitor won’t need to re-type all their information again when they want to leave another comment. Three cookies are set for commenters When user exists browser
This is purely a convenience, so that the visitor won’t need to re-type all their information again when they want to leave another comment. Three cookies are set for commenters When user exists browser
Indicates who logged in users are. When user exists browser
PHPSESSID A unique identifier created by PHP to enable the server to identify requests coming from a single user and to manage state between requests. When user exists browser
This cookie is required by our Blogging software and holds no personally identifiable information. When user exists browser



This cookie is required by our Blogging software and holds no personally identifiable information. When user exists browser
Third Party Cookies – Google
_utma This cookie keeps track of the number of times a visitor has been to the site, when their first visit was, and when their last visit occurred. 2 yrs
_utmb Holds timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor first visits the site. 30 mins
_utmc Holds timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor leaves the site. When user exits browser
_utmv Stores information used within Analytics to identify user as part of a custom segmentation. 2 yrs
_utmx Stores data pertaining to particular Website Optimizer test a user is part of. 2 yrs
_utmz Keeps track of where the visitor came from, what search engine they used, what link was clicked on, what keyword they used, and where in the world they are when they accessed the website. whe user exists browser
APISID These cookies are used by Google to track how many people are using their Maps. These cookies are present on all websites that use Google maps.

They are sefe cookies which allow us to make your user experience of our website more usefull and engaging.
Like all ciikies on our website they cannot harm your computer. And they will not negate your privacy.

When user exits the browser

Third Party Cookies – Facebook
fr These cookies are created by Facebook to receord if you have liked a page on our website. They are here because we have installed the facebook like button 0 to 365 days
Third Party Cookies – Twitter

These cookies are created by Twitter, they let our website know if you’ve logged in to your Twitter account. It is present because we use the ‘Tweet’ button on our website.

Like all coockes on our website they cannot do any harm to your computer and we place them here to enhance your enjoyment and participation in our website.

Twitter is a social media platform which allows us to palce a button on our website which twitter friends and followers can click to share our content.

between 0 days and 365 days

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